Monday, July 4, 2011


We left home around 9:25 and threaded the needle and got to the John's Hole Gate at 9:55.  The fireworks started about 10:10 and finished up 30 minutes later.  From our vantage point, we were basically as close to being underneath them as one can be unless we were part of the fireworks crew.  This year's show was as spectacular as I can imagine it could ever be. The Tuesday morning paper said the show had over 16,000 aerial shells!  Do the math: that's an average of over 500 a minute during the 30 minute show.  The fireworks company that staged the show had a crew of 10 people work three long, full days to set everything up.  Even when you think a show can't possibly be topped,  we suspect The RIch Guy will go all out so that next year's will top this year's.  That's the way he is.  We arrived back home a few minutes after 11 pm and we're both kind of wiped out. We will post photos tomorrow.  In the meantime, we hope you had a truly memorable July 4th and enjoyed Many Cheers!  jp

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