We're all been having quite a bit of fun these past few glorious summer days. Rosa, Bonnie and Susun have garnered all the headline fun stuff--road trips hither and yon, musical moments and downtown interludes. Meanwhile, Bob and Little Yonni have been going through their paces at the pistol range. Yesterday marked Yonni's 8th consecutive day there--a new record. Our practice culminated in the weekly IDPA match last evening. It was a real hoot. We had a great squad and everyone was very supportive of Bob's participation. They helped him feel like he belonged there. We had six very tough stages to shoot and it was a long night--we left at 5 pm and didn't get back home until close to 10 pm. Rosa arrived home safely late yesterday and we are all so happy her visit here worked out the way it did. We all made a lot of memories we'll be chattering about 'round the winter-spring evening campfires back down in Ol' Airy Zonie. Bonnie and Bob leave today for Cody, Wyoming. Thanks, Rosa, for your great visit! We already miss you. And, Thanks, Bonnie & Bob for your great visit. We've really enjoyed your company.
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