Saturday, May 14, 2011

Vaporized post is back

Google vaporized this blog post a day or two ago. Its disappearance had something to do with issues on Google's end. Anyway, here it is again in abbreviated form. Each Wednesday, Susun volunteers at the Habitat For Humanity Restore. A Restore is a place where some people donate building materials and other people come to buy it at ridiculously discounted prices. It's like a thrift store for home owners and builders. Susun loves volunteering there. So does her Supervisor, Karen L. shown at left. They are "best buddies" and clearly enjoy each others company. Karen is a real dynamo whose singlehandedly picked up Habitat by the bootstraps and given it pizazz again. Incidentally, Karen was the Realtor we signed on to help us find and buy this house here in Idaho Falls. In a past life, I'm certain Susun owned a small general store out in some pioneer village in the Wild, Wild West. She's the Life of The Party when she's helping customers and running the register. When Susun's on duty, people just want to pull out their wallets and empty their spare cash onto the counter.

The photo below is Susun and another Best Bud, Dino O. working in Hilda's Garden later that day. Everyone agreed that the garden's perennials were taking up too much space so Susun and Dian spent the afternoon thinning those hardy plants. It was a perfect day down on the Greenbelt. The Snake was peaking at 24,200 cfs as the pair whistled while they worked. Meanwhile, a busload of Japanese tourists merrily snapped pictures of everything in sight. In a classic "all in a day's karma" episode, Susun met a couple from Lake Montezuma who were friends of the late John Wildman. The male of the couple also played a big role in the Rimrock Fire Department.

Many Cheers! jp

(Note: The original post contained some photos of a HAM radio antenna I built on Tuesday. We will resurrect that post on the HAM blog where it belonged in the first place.)

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