Friday, May 13, 2011


Well, it should be "discombobulated," but whatever.  Google threw the blog-o-sphere for a real loop-de-loop by accidentally turning off all the lights yesterday.  Not only did they make it impossible to post to a blog, they actually even eliminated posts and comments, too.  We will have to attempt to rewrite the post about Susun and Karen and Susun and Dina. 

Rather than fret about blogs and stuff, we took off at 9 am this morning and didn't get back until 4:45 pm.  In between, we traveled 164 miles mostly out in MOAN Country to Grays Lake and Blackfoot Reservoir and various points in between and beyond.  We almost got ourselves permanently stuck in a bar ditch in CAT MOAN Country--it was a real close call.  We saw some amazing stuff and had a good time.

Happy Hour is History and Dinner is done.  We're retiring for the evening and will attempt to get back to normal with blogging tomorrow.

In the meantime, if you want to see sort of a map of our trip today, you can visit the Zuki Trips blog by clicking here.  We could have done a better job with our GPS but at least we got back home safe and sound on Friday The 13th--that's saying something.  Wait 'til you see the photos--some really cool stuff!  Have a great evening & Many Cheers, jp

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