Wednesday, May 11, 2011

The Snake Show

The Snake is running close to 24,000 cfs this morning. We went down to look at it yesterday when the flow was 22,600. It's a might impressive sight. We took four video clips with our still camera. The one that's embedded above is a general overview taken from the Broadway Bridge. The other three are scenes from the spillway at the top of the area. Click here for Video #1; Click here for video #2; and finally, click here for video #3. (If the embedded one won't play, try this link.)

The river will probably have its first crest of the season here today. The next crest (at whatever level that may be) will come when hot weather arrives. (Unless we get another major rainstorm.) It looks like everything is doing fine throughout the watershed.

We built another HAM antenna yesterday. You can see it on the HAM blog by clicking here. It's called a quarter wave simple groundplane. Total cost for the antenna parts as $6 but the total project cost was $25 due to cables, connectors, PVC, and some nut, bolts and solder.

We went out and played chess again last night and lost all games except for one. There are some very good players there this year. We also finally checked in on our local HAM club's weekly net at 9 pm last night. We will talk more about that soon over on the HAM blog.

Susun is enjoying her athletic club membership--she planted grass seed yesterday and will be planting snow peas today. Today's her day to volunteer at the Habitat restore. We will go take her photo later today.

The weather finally broke on through to the other side and it's going to be mostly sunny and DRY today. We will have to wait in line with all the rest of the city's population to have the moss scraped from our backs. Geeze, that was a long wet spell we just endured. Nothing much else to report--Have a great day and Many Cheers, jp

PS--We've resurrected the Idaho Falls food shopping blog for any LBRs who might be interested in such a thing.  Click here to go there.

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