Sunday, January 26, 2014

Connie & Michael's Ponderosa Paradise at Stoneman Lake

Michael & Connie savoring the sweet success of a Job Well Done at their Cabin in Ponderosa Paradise.
What a wonderful weekend at Stoneman Lake with Dear Friends Connie & Michael.  They built their cabin twenty years ago.  It's the finest workmanship we've ever seen.  Now they get the pure enjoyment of their Place in Ponderosa Paradise.  We so appreciated being able to spend Saturday night with them.  The quote below is from Martha Summerhayes and was written in 1908 but reflects what she thought and saw when she viewed Stoneman Lake in 1874.  Scroll farther and click to view an album of 80+ photos we took this weekend.  (Captions coming soon.)  Below the album screen clip and link are a couple of references about Stoneman Lake.  THANKS, Connie & Michael!

When you click on the above link, look to the left on that page
and note that you can get Martha's entire book free as an ebook.
Michael took great photos of our visit, including this one above.  You can see Michael's awesome camera
in the two thumbnails above.  Michael graciously shared the Facebook album of his fine fotos. Thanks, Michael!

Below are a couple of interesting references regarding Stoneman Lake.

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