Thursday, September 27, 2012


I had a very emotional day today.  I got misty-eyed not just once.  I got misty-eyed twice.  Here's how it all unfolded.

First, I wrote a heartfelt "Thank You" to the Halstead Fire managers saluting them for meeting their stated goals posted August 2nd when the fire was a baby.

Click here to read my "Thank You" and analysis of how fire managers met their goals:

Then, I clicked off to the InciWeb site and was stunned to see my photo standing front and center on the front page of the official government fire website.  That's when I got misty-eyed the first time.

After regaining my composure I sent another Thank You note to the Fire Information Public Information Officer Madonna (one name only) for putting up my photo.

Then she replied with this note of her own:

"We all thought that was the perfect photo to leave this fire with!  Thanks for sending it. Everyone has wanted to take the file home.  Beautiful day here in Stanley -- crisp and sunny!  Yahoo!  Alas, I am headed to Mustang to do info up there for about a week, think it still has some smoke issues.  Was great to keep you up to date with info.  You are providing a great service keeping all the Salmon Country people informed.  Take care and have a great fun fall!  Madonna"

That's when I got misty-eyed the second time.  Today is the two month anniversary of when lightning started the fire.

Here is the official government InciWeb link:

Just in case the InciWeb photo "vaporizes," I am curating a screen clip of it below as well as the original photo.
Above is the way it looked on InciWeb today.  Below is the original photo we prepped back in early September at the peak of drama of the fire.  We sent it to Fire Info then and they liked it so much they printed it and took it to the communal dinner for almost 600 fire crew members.  Madonna hadn't seen it so we sent it to her yesterday and the rest is history.

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