We apologize for neglecting this blog. We've been putting 101% of our efforts into The SalmonThing. After all, that was one of the reasons Josh and I went up there in the first place.
Well, we wrote up a bunch of articles (that's what we're calling blog posts on The Salmon Thing) and the website usage exploded today. We're guessing we touched a real nerve somehow and people just flat hit the heck out of that website. Our so-called "Statistical Day" ends at 6 pm each day. We finished up today with a mind-boggling 385 page views. This astronomical number put us at precisely 2601 pageviews since we began The Salmon Thing on May 16th. (NOTE: Our own visits to the website are not logged.)
We are flat out astounded by these numbers--both today's figure and the total-to-date tally. It's just flat out mind-boggling, that's all we can say. We keep thinking of that old adage about building a successful business: "Find a need and fill it." Also, the "Location, Location, Location" thing keeps echoing in our head. The Upper Salmon River is one of The Greatest Locations in the Intermountain West and yet no one has ever bothered to provide any news about this awesome stretch of river. We're guessing we've fallen into a niche we never really recognized or understood. As the usage numbers continue to mount, we are beginning to come face-to-face with the reality that we may have indeed found and are attempting to fill a need in a great location.
It is a very humbling experience to have our hands on the steering wheel of the Salmon River Idaho website. We feel the power and we feel the responsibility and it is very humbling. Writing for The Salmon Thing is so much different than writing here. When we write here, we are writing for our Dear Friends and LBRs and it always feels like we are sitting around in our slippers beside a warm fire that is actually the reflected glow of all your hearts and spirits.
Now that we are writing once again for a larger anonymous crowd of readers whose pedigrees we know not, we feel the weight of responsibility to "get it right" in everything we say. It's all very interesting.
After Josh departed we sat down and faced over 600 photos from that fine two week time frame. We pared them down to 147 pix and shipped them to the Cottonwood Walgreens. Presumably Josh and Goatherder will enjoy them someday soon. We then pared them farther and printed 82 for our own edification. The trick now is how to pare them even farther for use on this blog. Trust me, it's heavily on our mind.
Meanwhile, we are facing this enormous backlog of stories for both this blog and The Salmon Thing. In the meantime, more company is poised ahead. Wes and Nancy G. will arrive tomorrow afternoon to join in Idaho Falls incredible July 4th celebration. There's nothing like it that we've ever experienced. It's off the charts awesome. Kate and Brock missed their Friday flight but somehow found their way to Missoula and thence to Helena and might somehow make it down here prior to this coming Friday. We shall see, as they say.
It's all wild and whacky and wonderful and we love it. We didn't expect a break but we sure have enjoyed the past few days. We needed some R&R and we got it. We'd like to leave you tonight with a photo of Queen Mater. You've heard of The Queen Mother over in Britain. Well, Maggie has totally taken over the role of Queen Mater. Here she is in all her Mater Glory. Her husband Steve is oiling his chain saw to cut The Maters for firewood. Heck, she's going to need an extension ladder just to pick the maters. WAY TO GO, Maggie, you are setting a high bar for all Tomato Time.
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