Monday, December 12, 2011

Saturday stories

Saturday was a busy day, indeed. Sunday? Not so much. We both too way too many photos of the bank robbery and only a few are posted here. There are comments for each picture.
Susun went off to Clarkdale early in the morning.  Before the bank robbery and home tour began, she visited The Newstand Bar, a long-time Clarkdale institution.  She and I had one of the more special vignettes of your lives together there nearly 25 years ago the evening after our very first river trip together.  The place will always hold special memories for us.  Inside and out, the bar looks the same.  The "cast of characters" may ebb and flow but the bar's appearance is one of the very few things in the Verde Valley that has resisted all forms of change.
Below is Verde Valley Historican Bill Cowan looking "Bill At His Best."  Bill was in his element in the Sedona Heritage Museum Saturday.  We spent about an hour with him and it was a delight to watch Bill regale visitors with his wealth of stories.  Congratulations, Bill, that a GREAT way to debut your fine book!
Meanwhile, Susun was soaking up the Clarkdale Scene.  Senator Williams Andrews Clark (namesake for the Town) even made an appearance.
We both then met in Sedona at the Well Red Coyote bookstore and visited with Sedona Living Legend Jim Bishop.  His new book, "The Pink Nectar Cafe," is being very well received. Any time spent with Jim is quality time.  We agreed we should spend more time together and, hopefully, we will begin by taking short weekly hikes together beginning on the upcoming Winter Solstice.
After Susun and John parted ways in Sedona, he went to the 3 pm re-enactment of the bank robbery.  It was a real hoot.  The robbers are shown below next to their hot rod getaway car.
Here the robbers are herding some ladies into the bank where they locked them in the vault before grabbing $50,000 in loot.  They didn't even make it a block before the driver was shot by legendary Uncle Jim Roberts.  It was a tremendous stage play the Town put on.  Way to go, Clarkdale.  The woman with her back to the camera is Phillis W.
Here's Phyllis and Marsha enjoying a moment afetr the last re-enactment of the day.  Phyllis still has that "dear-in-the-headlights" look after the excitement of the bank robbery.
Later Saturday evening, Susun joined her friends Bonnie (left) and Rosa for a reunion of The Sangria Sisters.  The trio adopted that name when they both coincidentally visited Idaho Falls this summer.  Susun concocted a special Sangria and, naturally, a good time was had by all.
Have a great day & Many Cheers!  jp

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