Saturday, August 27, 2011

Fine Friday

Joshua W. went off to college.  Pa Goatherder wrote a real nice blog post about it--his first blog posting since June 9th.  Click here to read the PG-13 post.

Gary W. arrived about 3:30 pm and we had a fun Friday afternoon poking around the city's local map room and other tourist attractions.  Karen L. returned from Atlanta (the one in Georgia) and regaled us with awesome tales late into the evening.  Home made tamales topped it off.

We're heading out now to watch Susun and Dina do their duo digs at Hilda's Garden and then it's off to the Farmer's Market.

The pigs have flat worn themselves out--there's only so much flying they can take.  Yesterday was the hottest day of summer--97 degrees.  It was too hot even for the pigs to fly and they kept to themselves in their cozy wallows of cool mud all day.

Have a great day & Many Cheers!  jp

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