Wednesday, July 13, 2011

A Fine Time

Tuesday was a real nice, laid-back day.  It actually rained most of the morning and the temperatures continued to be quite unseasonably cool and quite nice.  We three enjoyed a very leisurely morning before setting forth about town for various errands and mundane meanderings.  Roger enjoyed seeing the eagle waterfall at the Taylor Crossing roundabout.  He spent a long time standing around in the humidor picking out cigars at the local tobacco shop.  We even took him into the Wal-Mart here that actually contains a stand-alone, honest, genuine fly fishing shop.  It's one of only three such Wal-Marts and was the first even in the world to have a fly shop.  Bizarre but true.  Roger spent the remainder of the day lounging here at home while reading his Barnes & Noble Nook.  Roger's an avid reader and is smitten with the Nook.  He reclined in the shade of our blue spruce out in the courtyard and thoroughly enjoyed himself.  Susun did various "Susun things" and Yonni patrolled the city looking for deals.  One such deal involves possibly buying an old kayak for Joshua.  It looks like wwe are cleared for take off on that deal and hope to close it today.  We had bean burros for breakfast and got to talking about The Tamale Lady.  We hoped she would come by and I suggested we all "visualize" her appearance.  Sure enough, as if on cue, she rang the door bell late in the afternoon.  It's so nice to have six piping hot spicy pork tamales delivered to your door for six bucks.  They made a wonderful dinner.  Yonni was even inspired to make a large batch of the long dormant chipotle salsa.  Roger loved it and now we all have foul smelling garlic breath this morning.  Hey, speaking of salsa, did you know it's officially 20 years since Goatherder and I went into the salsa business together?  Yep 'twas 1991 when Song Dog Salsa sprang forth upon unsuspecting but highly supportive shoppers.  That's quite a story that begs to be told someday.  THANKS, GH, for some great flashback memories last night and this morning.

Today will mostly be all about pistol shooting.   Tonight's the weekly IDPA match and 'tis time to practice again.  I found out last week that last of pre-match practice is highly detrimental to a decent score.  Roger will be coming to the range today but it's "iffy" whether he will participate in the match tonight.  He and Susun will probably kick back and hang out at Alive After 5 downtown this afternoon.

We're still up in the air about when to do the Big Road Trip.  The weather pattern is such that the Tetons are almost certainly obscured by clouds.  It's probably going to be Friday when we take off on the Grand Circle Tour but it might be tomorrow.

Bryan and his two fine sons (AKA: Da Boyz) sent news yesterday that they will be visiting July 29th prior to a Middle Fork trip.  Rosa S is coming for three nights on July 24.  The first weekend in August we're going to Squirrel Meadows with Houn' Dawg and Suzanne. sure looks to be a busy time in the weeks ahead.  Good thing we didn't make any travel plans.

Have a great day & Many Cheers, jp


Maggie said...

OMG the salsa business. I remember it too. Total flashback.

The Goatherder said...

We sold us a lotta salsa. And did a lot of really strange experimental cooking in my kitchen. One particularly painful memory is of roasting whole Habaneros over the stove, squirting lime juice and salt on them and chowing down....boy were we sorry. Exquisite pain.