Friday, May 27, 2011

A favorite dinner...if seldom seen

This is one of our mutual favorite dinners but is seldom seen on our table.  That's why it is featured here tonight--it's been so long since we've seen it that it is a news item.  It's technically called "Clam Linguini."  We use Dreamfield's Linguini, two cans of clams (one chopped and one minced), 8 cloves of garlic, four really good quality tomatoes (canned won't do), and liberal dollops of real white wine and high quality extra virgin olive oil.  You must also top this dish with REAL grated Parmesan cheese--NOT the stuff that comes in cheap-o plastic containers.

Meanwhile, it helps if you can pick a sprig of parsley from your own garden and then prep a huge side salad.  This is a Mediterranean Feast of the First Order.  You wouldn't believe how tasty it is.  WOW!  Anyway, thanks always to SWPF (She Who Prepares Food: AKA: Susun).  Life is good. Cheers, jp

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