Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Whazzup This Wednesday?

Time has that habit and it keeps on slipping into the future.  It always seems odd when we realize we haven't posted up here for 48 hours or more.  ¿Wot hoppened to Monday and Tuesday, anyway?

We three enjoyed a lazy morning Monday.  Spudboater worked on her blog and created a flurry of posts.  They are all great blog posts and you can click here to read them.  The pace picked up in the early afternoon.  Our Monday adventure harked back to that line in the Gilligan's Island opening theme song, "Five passengers set sail that day for a three hour tour. A three hour tour."  We hiked to the top of Sacred Mountain to ponder puzzles of past people.  Then we went over to V Bar V to peruse the petroglyphs and their mysteries.  After that, we hiked a short distance down Wet Beaver Creek to some red bed ledges.  And then it was over to the star of our local show, Montezuma Well National Monument.  After a late lunch, the remainder of the afternoon quickly slipping into the future of a campfire.  We linger long over those fine flames as it was Spudboater's last evening here at 2nd Chance Ranch.  Gary came over and, as usual, a good time was had by all.  (More blog narrative below photos.)

Tuesday was your basic blur.  The morning disappeared all too quickly amid the hurry hustle of a busy day.  I left right after 8 am to head off to Tuesday Target Shooting.  Spudboater and Susun departed for Cordes Junction about 8:30 and arrived on time for her airport shuttle.  Luckily, we built a large margin of error into her shuttle schedule.  Her shuttle was late but she has ample time to make her flight.  She arrived just fine back in Boise and sent a sweet note south soon afterwards.  Here is a partially edited version of it:

"You two are two of the very best friends a person could ever have. Thank you thank you thank you for your gracious hospitality, and your unswerving friendship and good humor.  The entire time with both of you and making new friends was an absolute highlight of my life. Really! Talk about a harmonic convergence! I really like the Goatherders and Gary and Robin.  And seeing Brock and Kate Blevins was great, too.  I don't think we could have made up better stories than the ones we were all a part of. I've updated the blog already and added a few of your photos into mine. I look forward to your post about our V bar V trip and Sacred Mountain etc yesterday. And once I download my video I'll do one more blog about Wet Beaver Creek."

Thanks, Spudboater, you were a delight to have visit here and we all thoroughly enjoyed your ebullient enthusiasm and spirited spark.   Hey, here's a first---Spudboater made a blog post on a topic BEFORE we did!  Way to go!

We still have to get all those race day photo processed and posted in an online album but it looks like the delay will continue for awhile.  More about that below.

Susun spent the rest of Tuesday in Sedona helping Chuck.  She has a surprise lunch with Doug and Judy from Mountain Home, Idaho.  She arrived home after her long day about 5 pm.  After a real energetic target shooting morning, I went off to Cottonwood to pick up the manual for the IC-V8.  I also launched The Yagi Project.  (As noted, we will keep our HAM chatter off this blog so all of the details will eventually be over on the KF7OTE blog.)

Josh and I finally made a date and a deal to finish up our river project today.  We made 100% of our arrangements via cell phone texting.  I know, some of you are probably laughing about that.  But it's a heck of a lot easier to swap a few texts than it is to hem and haw over a voice conversation about a river trip.  The texts cut right to the chase and leave no room for debate or error.

Sooo....that being said, the clock is now ticking on pre-trip prep.  As Hank the Cow Dog would say, "Oh, Boy!"  Today's final paddle is gonna be a long one.  We put in at the Black Bridge and go to Beasley.  The total trip length will be upwards of 13-14 miles--we don't know the distance from Black Bridge to White Bridge.  We do know it's ten miles down from White Bridge.  The water's dropped a lot since the race so we shouldn't have any problems with the strainers.  The key word, of course, is "shouldn't."  We shall see.

The weeds here are all laughing at me.  I hear their taunts and hoots and hollars.  Well, all I can is, "Enjoy your last days alive, Weeds, we're comin' after ya soon!"

Time to proceed on.  Have a great day and Many Cheers!  jp

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