Thursday, January 13, 2011

Thursday already?

Time keeps on slipping into the future.  Susun pointed out that we've been here 8 weeks already.  This week has been a real blur mostly because of Stuff Wars.  We spent all day Tuesday and Wednesday dealing with stuff.  Everything is completely out of Bob's garage in Sedona and now it's spread hither and yon here.  There are 14 large plastic tubs sitting outside that wouldn't fit inside the house or a shed.  Meanwhile, every cubic inch of spare space in all three sheds and the house is now pull of stuff.  It's pretty much impossible to stuff more stuff any place except in the wide open spaces outside.
This evening we're heading over to Susan Kliewer's place in Elmersville.  We don't normally use last names on this blog.  However, Susan is a well known artist and her name is already all over the internet.  You can click here to read about her.  Susan's having one of her patented parties.  The Goatherder and SWMBO will be there, too, as well as some other Dear Friends from Sedona.  We're looking forward to it.  One of the bonus moments in all of the recent Stuff Wars wwas finding a Smokey The Bear history book.  Susan's Dad played a real important role in development of the Smokey Bear icon so we're gonna give the book to her tonight.  That oughta prompt some stories.  Maybe we'll take our video camera and finally get her to tell her Smokey Bear stories for posterity.

Roger & Nancy visited Monday.  We drove up the Blue Grade.  Roger and Susun's Grand Dad often talked of working on that road when it was originally built way back when.  Roger and Nancy had never been to Montezuma Well.  We had an "All in A Day's Karma" visit there.  I stopped to char with Ranger Skip L. about arcane GPS/GIS stuff and who should appear out of nowhere but Drifter Smith!  Wow, what a reunion we had.  Drifter's buddy, Tom Brownold took out photo overlooking the Well.  That was a real special moment in time.  Drifter spent more than 30 years as a river guide in Grand Canyon.  He's pretty much a living legend in the river runner crowd.  He and I spent a lot of time together in the 80's.  Tom  is a professional photographer.  You can click here to see his stuff.  Be sure to check out his Mule photos in this linkYou can click here for his regular website.

Susun is gearing up for the visit of her friends tomorrow.  They are booked for two nights at a motel in Sedona.  Lee, Jan, Rachel and Susun are set to have a rocking time there in Red Rock Country.

Well, that's about all the news we can muster up here. The evening campfires have been fun this week.  We actually wore a t-shirt at the fire until the sun went down last night.  It felt quite warm here yesterday and it's gonna get a lot warmer over the next few days.  The depths of an Arizona winter are behind us now.  Our coldest weather typically comes only between mid-December and early January.  While there may be some cold spells ahead, none of them will be as deep and chilly as those we've experienced recently.  Balmy daytime highs will be be the rule and cold, gray days the exception.

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