Thursday, November 4, 2010

Bonus Day

As Roger said, today was a "Bonus Day."  Roger captured this sunset tonight (November 4th--believe it or not) and posted it straight-away to his World Famous Sunset Blog!  It was once again one of those evenings where we both closely watched the Western Sky.  We were roasting a 4 pound pork loin out in the cook shack and playing all of John Prine's "Fair & Square" album, too.  The light play on the foreface of the cook shack was outstanding.  We both knew Roger could and would deliver and he did.

What can you say about a guy who takes pictures of sunsets?  We wish we had all the right words to give him massive kudos and so forth. All we know what and how to say it is, "THANKS, ROGER!"

Stay tuned for tomorrow's blog post on just why this really WAS a "Bonus Day!"

Click here for Roger's Sunset Blog.

Have a Great Evening & Cheers!  jp

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