Monday, July 12, 2010

Bryan's Place

Above is (l-r) Sam, Bryan and Nathan--The Brown Family!  Below are some other photos of our trip.  I've made some of the pictures small.  You can click on the small ones to see a larger version.  Here are some descriptions (l-r)  Up on the Salt River Pass the flowers were coming out in full force.  Here is the Famous Susun Flower amid some balsam root---the word "loft" conjures up small space--not so with this loft---Road? What Road?  There's no road coming to Bryan's Place.  It's more of a mystery route---That's Bryan Himself surveying his property---and finally, an overview of Bryan's Place. We titled the one below that "Mallet Heads."  It's Nathan, John and Sam celebrating some righteous Extreme Croquet!  (A narrative about the trip is in the post below this one.)

1 comment:

stasea said...

Sounds amazing!! That's a super photo of Mom
In the flowers. May I requestva print of that?