Monday, April 12, 2010

Wayne Ranney & The Verde Formation

Dear Friend & LBR Wayne Ranney was the Main Attraction at Montezuma Castle National Monument this morning.  We had to really hustle to get there for his presentation.  Even with our hustle, we were still late, arriving well into his fascinating lecture.  Anyway, those of you who know Wayne know he has really perfected his story telling skills, as well as his ability to "play the crowd."  Obviously, as you can tell from the photos, it was the proverbial packed house and Wayne was at his best.  We've put up this slide show because we noticed how adept Wayne was at using his hands during his performance.  We have to say, Wayne, yer hands ROCK!

Anyway, Wayne "wowed" the audience.  It was an awesome sight to see. This year will be the 30th anniversary of meeting Wayne at 711 North San Francisco Street in Flagstaff.  We've followed Wayne's career from the "git go" and it was awesome to see him in his finest form.  He and his Wonderful Wife, Helen, are quite the Duo together.  We are very proud of them and so happy to have had to opportunity to see them together at this event.
Click here to read a local newspaper article about Wayne's thoughts on the Verde Formation.
Wayne's blog is what we call a Public Blog--everyone and anyone is welcome to take a look.
Click here to go to Wayne's blog.

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