Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Streak turns 3 weeks old

Yesterday, our hiking streak reached 21 days--or three weeks. Today will be day 22. It's definitely alive and well. Switching from the Long Canyon Hill to the Blue Grade definitely helped keep the streak alive. Today will be our last day hike in Arizona--once again on the Blue Grade. Tomorrow we will take a short hike in Page. There's two possibilities. You can see them by clicking here. It's great to know we're off to a solid start on our streak. We plan to keep it alive in Idaho Falls along the Greenbelt.

So much to do today I almost shudder to think of the task list and workload. One thing's for certain--what doesn't get done today ain't gonna git dun. Nope, it falls off the list until fall.

Susun's pretty well packed but I haven't even started yet. Guess it will be one of typical "throw everything in a box" at the last minute things.

In spite of our best efforts and intentions, we haven't been able to see all of our friends. We're especially sad that we never got to connect with Jennifer, Tom, Bill, Jim, Bob and Kristen. You'd think almost two months would be a long time. It's not.

We've done a lot of really good things to our property here on this trip. The Big Deal is, of course, Winning The Weed Wars. Although we won't know how well the pre-emergent works until we return in November, we kicked Weed Anatomy this spring. The place looks really nice. There is no fire hazard and it truly looks like someone cares about the place. We can rest easy for the next few months knowing we gave it our best shot this spring.

Well, it's time once again to cowboy up and hit the ground running. One of our Dear Friends asked recently, "I wonder where you get all your energy?" We never quite thought of it that way. If there's stuff to do, you just giddy up and git goin'. Sittin' 'round ain't no option here at 2nd Chance Ranch. Ain't that right, buckaroos?

Have a great day and Cheers, jp

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