Thursday, February 4, 2010

Middle Fork Permit SUCCESS!

WOW--I was drawn for a Middle Fork permit! It's an amazing piece of luck. People can apply for such a permit for years with no success. I've never applied for a Middle Fork permit before and I was drawn in the lottery in my first year. It's amazing. Two of my co-workers who know about such things flipped out today. It was a stunning surprise.


Maggie said...

Have you bought a lottery ticket? You are having an amazing run of great fortune -- and deservedly so!

Maggie said...

BTW - can I come?

Anonymous said...

I have boats,a big truck and lots of storys. 100 miles, 100 side creeks and hot springs are hard to beat. We spent five years guiding there and I can say its the best trip in my book. lucky you are,Deano

Anonymous said...

I have boats,a big truck and lots of storys. 100 miles, 100 side creeks and hot springs are hard to beat. We spent five years guiding there and I can say its the best trip in my book. lucky you are,Deano