Sunday, March 23, 2014

Sunday Morning Edition - 2456739

Happy Sunday!  By the time we hit the "Publish" button here at Live Simple Care Much World Headquarters, we will have spent 2 hours on this Morning Edition.  Over 30 minutes after we began looking for Fun Stuff, we still were empty handed.  We even began to think a Morning Edition might not happen.

Of course, that was while we were still visiting "all the usual suspects."  Once we decided to roam free range again, the stories slowly began to fall into place.  We used our random site generator.  We picked Denver as the starting point and asked for ten random sites within a 300 mile radius of Denver.  As a result, we roamed portions of Wyoming, Colorado, Texas, Kansas and South Dakota looking for Fun Stuff.

So, we ya'll go...
Here is your "Aw..." story to start off The Sunday Morning Edition.  We found this sweet and wonderful story in the Glenwood Springs, Colorado, newspaper.  Truly a Special Aw...Story."
Our numerous Dear Friends and Loyal Blog Readers who love railroads, and all things trains will enjoy this one:
Our last stop this morning was in Rapid City, South Dakota, where we found the Cardboard Box Sled Race photo gallery:

We spent time at three Wyoming communities--Lander, Green River and Rock Springs.  Lander's newspaper was locked up tighter than a snare drum.  No way could we view any of their articles.  Interestingly, we used the keywords from one of their stories and recovered the same article out of the Anchorage, Alaska, newspaper.  Go figure.  (It's below and is about sheep.)

Well, there really wasn't much fun stuff in any of those 3 newspapers.  Fairly bleak newspapers, actually.  We finally did find a fun travel guide to Southwest Wyoming that is hosted on ISSUU.  We love that host website and use it frequently ourselves.  Anyway, it's a fun browse.

So, when we decided to put in this link to the travel guide, we went looking for a photo and that's when we found the fun photo of the Shadow People above.  We enjoyed their travel blog and decided to add their link here as well.
When we visited the Durango newspaper, we found that great train article above and then began roaming elsewhere.  We saw a link to an article about Tucson and while reading the Tucson article we realized the Durango paper does a series so we clicked through and found this endearing little ditty.

Here's the article we mentioned earlier on sheep.  The Lander paper wouldn't even let us look at the article but in the Anchorage, Alaska, newspaper we got to read the whole thing.

So, we were hanging out at the Alamosa, Colorado, newspaper this morning.  Trust me, there's not much happening in Alamosa, especially if you're looking for Fun Stuff.  But you know how we operate so we kept looking thinking SURELY there would be something, SOMEWHERE in that newspaper to entertain our Dear Readers this morning.  Finally, we clicked on an advertising promotion for the US Navy.  The promo was attempting to recruit Aviation rescue Swimmers.  Now Alamosa is a pretty strange place for the US Navy to recruit rescue swimmers but maybe the Navy knows something the rest of us don't know.

Anyway, that promo got us off on a tangent reading the job description for Aviation rescue Swimmers.  Here ya'll go:

Here's a really slick video of some rescue swimmer training:

Now, if you want to see a rescue swimmer in action, we have an amazing video for you.  We preserved this "B Roll" video on our Mesquites Rule blog.  This is one of the most heroic individual actions I have ever seen on video.  It's simply incredible.
OK, so we were in Guymon, Texas, and trust me there really isn't ANYTHING happening in Guymon, Texas.  Seriously.  So, we saw this article about new lighting for "No Man's Land Regional Park."  Now, frankly, I've always thought that neck of the woods really WAS No Man's Land and I got to wondering why someone would actually name a regional park "No Man's Land Regional Park."

Well, lookie here..there is an actual historical REASON for having a No Man's Land Regional Park.  Seriously.

"When the Territory of Kansas was created in 1854 its boundary was set at the 37th parallel. When Texas came into the union, being a slave state, it could not extend its sovereignty over any territory north of 36° 30' North. The Missouri Compromise specified that territory North of this line would be free-state territory. This situation left a narrow strip of land 34 miles wide between Kansas and Texas extending from the 100th parallel on the East to the 103rd parallel on the West, a total of 168 miles in length. At the eastern end of the area was the Cherokee Outlet and at the western end was the Territory of New Mexico. Since the area was claimed by no state, it was soon given the name of No Man's Land."   (Source:

This the map that guided our journey today.  It's been an interesting morning and, yes, it truly did take two hours to get this puppy up and running.  Thanks for reading.

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