Monday, October 3, 2011

Rider on The Storm

LBRs know how much we love weather watching.  It's a lifelong hobby made much easier these days with the plethora of online resources and near-real-time data streams.  This morning, we hitched a ride on the storm that's shaping up to wash over Idaho this week.  We aren't going to put any more weather stuff on this blog--it's all going to be where it belongs over on The Geek Weather blog.  That blog has been dormant since mid-June when we chattered about the Chilean volcano.  Long, long before this blog was born on 01.01.10, we put a huge amount of time and effort into a blog that detailed the Great Winter of 08-09.  It was such fun to follow the evolution of  weather events as they appeared on stage left.  We have a growing suspicion that this upcoming winter is going to be just as much fun to follow as the 08-09 one was.  From now on, we will simply note that we've put a new post over on the Geek Weather blog.  This morning, it contains all the Climate Prediction Center graphs that appeared briefly here overnight, as well as a long discussion of our First Fall Storm.  You can click here to go there.  Enjoy!  jp

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