Wednesday, October 20, 2010

CB, Porch, Smoke & Comments

There's only four things to talk about this morning.  Well, maybe 5.  Give us a minute and we will think of a few more.

We started off our morning with a "Dear Diary Day" moment.  We actually connected with Dear Friend Catherine B. in Tucson.  YEA!  She's doing fine right now and sounded as buoyant as ever.  We made plans to visit her during our Arizona Sojourn.  Thanks for the Great Phone Visit, CB!

Otherwise, yesterday was entirely devoted to the porch project.  It was an arduous day from start to finish.  This project has turned out to be far bigger and much more complicated (AKA: Frustrating) than we ever suspected it would be.  Today will also be 100% devoted to the porch project.  There will be no t-stores, no golf, no goofing off, no nothing except nose-to-the-grindstone stuff.  Heck, yesterday, I didn't even get to go to the WINCO Spa until after 5 pm.  Geeze!

Upon our return from the Spa where we get our daily therapeutic dose of the soothing screams of sugar-crazed children,  we fired up both of our workhorse grills in the cook shack.  The Patio Caddie and its two new firebricks took on the task of the thighs.  El Turco drew duty to smoke 10 hot italian turkey sausages.
For some reason, another lightbulb went off last night and I actually realized how to generate some significant smoke out of El Turco.  As you can see from the photo above, the smoke column rose almost to the higher of the two power lines.  Smoke was billowing profusely enough from the little shack to have attracted the fire department.  Luckily, nobody called in the smoke.  I think I need to practice how to respond just in case the fire dept. DOES show up one of these evenings.  I never realized I could put out this much smoke in El Turco.  Luckily, I finally got everything to work right and both the sausages and the thighs turned out perfectly.

The other news is a new world record for comments received here on the Y2Ten blog.  Daughter Stasea turned in SEVEN comments overnight.  That's the most from a single person in a single day as well as the most total comments ever received on a single day.  Thanks, Stasea, you made our day!

The weather is still hanging on to the last millibars of high pressure of our Harvest Moon Fall.  The upcoming pattern change this weekend will be a real hammer blow to these Halcyon Days.  We suspect the local trees will reach their peak of color Friday morning.  We hope to have our part of the porch project done by tomorrow.  If so, we will be able to tour the town and try to capture this fall's final splendor on our digital cameras. 

Have a great day & Cheers, jp

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