Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Radar Loops

Looks like we're heading into a medium decent storm.  We're leaving today regardless of the "wither the weather."  However, looks like we're going to be cautious and judicious about our travel speed and distance goals for the day.  If we wind up only as far as Salt Lake City, so be it.

I'm enlisting the assistance of one of our Major LBR's to text us about the conditions in the Salt Lake Metroplex. When you click on the link below, you get access to both the Salt Lake and Cedar City Doppler radar sites.  Click then on "composite" or on "Storm Total" rainfall to understand the position and progress of this system.  The key thing we want to know is how the center of this storm is situated with its relationship to I-15, particularly the Salt Lake metroplex.


Here's how you can text us with reports.  First, please use your email to text but try to stay under 160 characters.  Here's a milepost guide to I-15:  http://www.truckerguide.com/utah/UT%20I-15.pdf

Try to text in the format "MPXXX" 2 MPYYY"  Use "GRN" for the color green on the radar.  We're primarily interested in whether we're driving smack into the teeth of the storm.  We will "eddy out," if that's the case.  You can use Mapquest or Google Maps to match cities with the mileposts on the trucker guide.  Generally speaking, the metroplex starts (from our end) at MP 357 (Willard) and ends at MP 257 (Spanish Fork)-- it's 100 miles of mayhem.

Thanks for helping us today.  Our goal is to get to Fillmore but Nephi will do and Salt Lake, too, if necessary.

Well, gotta start powering down the house.  We might add one post before we leave and we might not.  Check the Twitter at left for periodic updates today and tomorrow.  If we wind up with WIFI tonight, we'll blog again--otherwise, Twitter's carrying the load.

Happy Trails and Many Cheers!  J&S

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